Precision tooling Manufacturer – Sawhney Engineering

Sawhney Engineering co. has been manufacturing precision tooling, component and parts for over 30 years. We specialize in manufacturing made to order tools. Our range includes Precision tools, CNC Machine tool holders, fixtures, gauges, spindle and shafts. In the era of competition, where ready made tools are available everywhere, we have carved out our niche in the engineering world. We do have a simple process to manufacture products. The one thing that distinguishes us from others is paying attention to detail, the ability to understand complex structures and simplifying the manufacturing process. Perhaps this is the reason why we have been awarded twice within a span of 1 year in the precision components category. We, the engineers call machine parts as precision components. It would also be nice to call them as precious components as without them fitting precisely, a machine won’t function in an optimized state causing it to underperform or even worse, not function at a...